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By Rachel Witkin on

Ask A Curator 2017

On Wednesday 13 September 2017, we joined in the conversation with museums and museum-lovers all over the world for Ask A Curator day on Twitter.

On Wednesday 13 September 2017, Assistant Curator Lewis Pollard took over the museum’s Twitter account for #AskACurator day. Museums from all over the world joined in and, although we weren’t caught up in any #museumwars like our friends at the Science Museum and Natural History Museum, we had a great time answering questions and chatting with other experts and organisations.

Our curatorial team covered everything from the four things that sum up the role (notepad, pencil, paper mountain and cake); to the  strangest task they’ve ever had to do (Learn how to taxidermy transgenic (genetically altered) fish so they can be transported overseas).

Lewis has saved the conversation as a Twitter Moment, but here are his top five questions of the day:






If you have any more questions for our curatorial team, you don’t have to wait until next year’s Ask A curator event. Send in your questions to @sim_manchester or pay us a visit and explore the collections we have on display.


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